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this was fun!  though it took me like five minutes to knock over the starting menu's corn to start the game lol. really funny to see things stick to the tornado, katamari style.

Lots of fun. I do feel that it is a little difficult to tell what's in front of you - sometimes feels like I should be hitting an object but don't - which could be remedied by a higher camera angle. More variance in size between what's too large to be picked up and what isn't, as well as more visibly changing the tornado's size as it grows, would also help the player feel like they are progressing. 

All very good points, and admittedly all things I wanted to do but didn't get around to! The original idea was to have the player start small, picking up relatively tiny objects, then growing and picking up larger objects as they accumulate mass. The camera would zoom out and the player's collider would grow as the tornado grew in scale to reflect the change in size/power. Fuumiko's features would have also changed as you gain strength, including a rampaging face and higher tornado segment count/rotation speeds.

I should have focused on those gameplay mechanics early on but I hopped over to art and shader work a little too early ('-_-). Some of those features are still technically in the game's assets in the form of unused code and texture work.

Fun, I love a good Katamari-style game. The collision physics on the items starts to turn it into almost a pinball game once the speed picks up, that might be a fun idea to experiment with further.

The pinball movement was a happy accident \(^o^)/ I think when Fuumiko's collider touches another object, there is a small amount of rotation applied due to drag and at high speed that makes everything go wild.

Fantastic game! It is a bit hard to see where the middle of the character is after a while but eventually you get supper speed so you can just bounce around randomly to pick up stuff. Thanks for the submission.

Super cute idea!  I love the details of picking up the tutorial text as objects.  Fuumiko's face is a fun detail too.  Nice work!